Duo exhibition with Geistė Marija Kinčinaitytė
Installation views, Atletika gallery, Vilnius, 2024
Installation views, Atletika gallery, Vilnius, 2024

photography by Laurynas Skeisgiela
List of works:
wave-like disturbance
Four liquid crystal displays, videos, microcontrollers, microcomputers, light polarising filters fixed to windows
Dimensions and duration variable
sun chaser
Antenna secured on a rooftop, microcomputer, software signal conversion, live stereo sound, speakers
Dimensions variable
Two liquid crystal displays, videos, microcontrollers, microcomputers, light refracting filters fixed to windows
Dimensions and duration variable
pain gate; clock
Two liquid crystal displays, videos, microcontrollers, microcomputers, relays, electricity
Dimensions and duration variable
an orange, some lenses and a flower (the structure of the eye explained by means of models and diagrams)
light-emitting diode panel, microcontroller, microcomputer
122.7 x 2.7 x 70.6 cm, 3 min 13 sec looped
a feeling almost instinct
Four liquid crystal displays, videos, microcontrollers, microcomputers, solar panels, solar energy, electricity
Dimensions and duration variable
phantom currents
Installation views, Somers gallery, London, 2023, supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture

liquid crystal displays, videos, microcontrollers,
microcomputers, solar panels, solar energy, electricity
dimensions and duration variable
“In London there is a building with a rooftop parapet and stationed behind this parapet is a slanting grid made up of glass and silicon panels. These are solar panels which means that they comprise solar cells, which I am told are also called photovoltaic cells. They are not to be confused with the cells that are found in living organisms though the fact they are also referred to as ‘cells’ is not merely coincidental and very suggestive indeed. Solar panels are a technology that converts sunlight into electricity by way of loosened electrons, but for all its facticity and realism I would be forgiven for finding this abstract.”
Elaine ML Tam’s press release in full here
dimensions and duration variable
“In London there is a building with a rooftop parapet and stationed behind this parapet is a slanting grid made up of glass and silicon panels. These are solar panels which means that they comprise solar cells, which I am told are also called photovoltaic cells. They are not to be confused with the cells that are found in living organisms though the fact they are also referred to as ‘cells’ is not merely coincidental and very suggestive indeed. Solar panels are a technology that converts sunlight into electricity by way of loosened electrons, but for all its facticity and realism I would be forgiven for finding this abstract.”
Elaine ML Tam’s press release in full here
a pinched nerve
Installation video, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2021

List of works:
into the matter into the molecule into the atom behind the dreams
video, three synchronised liquid crystal displays, anodised aluminium, 105 x 97.5 x 34.5 cm, 19 mins, 40 sec
hearing the sound of a voice it searches for the absent pulse
two light panels, two microcontrollers, 2 x 136 x 98.5 cm
live stereo sound, contact microphones fixed to walls of neighbouring rooms, amplifier, mixer, speakers, dimensions variable
into the dermis into the fat past the hair follicle close to the adrenaline
two videos out of sync, two liquid crystal displays, anodised aluminium, 132.5 x 70 x 50 cm, 1 min, 16 sec
any repeated physical phenomenon may be used as a clock
video, liquid crystal display, anodised aluminium, 79.5 x 49.5 x 31.5, 1 min, 10 sec
to maintain a rhythm repetition must have gap divisions of no more than three seconds
two light panels, two microcontrollers, 2 x 67.5 x 200 cm
into the matter into the molecule into the atom behind the dreams
video, three synchronised liquid crystal displays, anodised aluminium, 105 x 97.5 x 34.5 cm, 19 mins, 40 sec
hearing the sound of a voice it searches for the absent pulse
two light panels, two microcontrollers, 2 x 136 x 98.5 cm
live stereo sound, contact microphones fixed to walls of neighbouring rooms, amplifier, mixer, speakers, dimensions variable
into the dermis into the fat past the hair follicle close to the adrenaline
two videos out of sync, two liquid crystal displays, anodised aluminium, 132.5 x 70 x 50 cm, 1 min, 16 sec
any repeated physical phenomenon may be used as a clock
video, liquid crystal display, anodised aluminium, 79.5 x 49.5 x 31.5, 1 min, 10 sec
to maintain a rhythm repetition must have gap divisions of no more than three seconds
two light panels, two microcontrollers, 2 x 67.5 x 200 cm
The Pacemaker
Installation view, 4K
video projection, stereo sound, 7 min 6 sec looped
